New technologies being used in the equine community
In this article we look at new horse technologies and advancements in various technologies aimed at supporting the horse, the horse rider and the ongoing health of the horse.
This blog shares articles to do with StreamZ technology and related industry sectors - including content within the alternative healthcare market for humans, horses, dogs and cows.
In this article we look at new horse technologies and advancements in various technologies aimed at supporting the horse, the horse rider and the ongoing health of the horse.
Mud fever in horses is a common skin condition that causes a skin irritation to the horses lower legs. In this article we look at symptoms of mud fever in horses,...
In this article we focus on how vital managing your horses hooves is to their overall health, the importance of ensuring your horses hoof conformation is good and how to...
We now offer a prize for ever successful shine-a-light story submitted to us which goes on to be published! Win a set of our latest replacement sleeves for your horse and a wristband for you, a...
Article looking at commonly found joint conditions in horses, symptoms of joint disorders and treatments widely used within the equine community including anti-inflammatory medications and holistic approaches such as advanced...
Winter is often the most challenging time of the year to manage and maintain your horses health with plenty of things to continually check and worry about. This article looks...
In this article we look at the symptoms of horse tendonitis, the most common causes of the condition and various treatments available to you if your horse is diagnosed with...
One equine injury which is regularly found is “DDFT” or “DFTS” injuries. This articles looks at DDFT injuries in horses, what the symptoms are and how best to diagnose and treat...
Diagnosing and treating splints in horses is key to the horses continued wellbeing and ensuring that they can continue to compete at their optimum level. This article looks at what...
Deciding on whether to deploy cold therapy or heat therapy to a horses injury or condition depends on many factors which need to be fully understood to provide the most effective treatment for the...
In this article we look at magnetic therapy adopted within the equine industry and the variety of magnetic therapy products available to horse owners and how they differ from product-to-product.
Ringbone in horses or ponies is actually a form of osteoarthritis within the pastern or coffin joint. This article looks at Ringbone symptoms, causes and common treatments applied to support...
New Sponsor joining the StreamZ Family. Jana Bean joins the StreamZ family after seeing firsthand what positive impact our advanced magnetic technology has had on her horses.
Dr Anna-Maria Wolf was sent a pair of EQU StreamZ advanced magnetic bands to be used on her clients horses with a view to her providing her professional opinion on the product.
Although part of the natural recovery and rehabilitation process, a horses body can react with an inflammatory response which actually creates negative results on the overall health of the animal...
Within the equine community having to deal with a variety of inflammatory conditions is common, from superficial inflammatory responses such as Windgalls to trauma injuries and joint conditions - our...
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