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Supporting equine charity Horseworld with EQU StreamZ Advanced Magnetic Bands

Supporting equine charity Horseworld with EQU StreamZ Advanced Magnetic Bands

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Supporting equine charity Horseworld with EQU StreamZ Advanced Magnetic Bands

Supporting equine charity Horseworld with EQU StreamZ Advanced Magnetic Bands

HorseWorld Trust are a UK equine charity who rescue horses, ponies and donkeys across the country.

With a long history going back to 1953 when Majorie Pelling and Madge Checkley decided to form a charity to rescue neglected horses who were being replaced at the time for motorised vehicles. In 1978, after an extensive fundraising campaign, the charity purchased its own farm and land to provide over 160 acres for its horses.

Today HorseWorld are responsible for dozens of horses at their wonderful location, providing top-notch care for mistreated, neglected and abandoned horses, ponies and donkeys from all over the UK - with over 100 animals passing through their care every year and many more being rehoused to loving families.

Alongside the caring and rehabilitation of these animals HorseWorld also provide valuable courses for young people with self-growth, confidence and concentration issues. With over 200 children passing through the program every year the ‘Discovery Program’ provided valuable results to many vulnerable children across the UK. 

“Our charity is built on the mutual respect and compassion between people and horses; from donors, legacy pledgers and adopters, through to our team of dedicated staff, volunteers and supporters, we all share a common belief that Horses deserve to live happy and peaceful lives and value the incredible trust and companionship that they bestow upon us.”  

StreamZ Global approached HorseWorld to establish whether we could donate our products to their horses. With EQU StreamZ advanced magnetic bands making waves in the equine community we were keen for the charity to see what impact the bands had on their horses, and we are so glad we did! Our aim was to show them a benefit in their horses using our horse bands to reduce ongoing wellbeing costs and improve the lives of the animals.

Feedback from Horseworld on the impact of EQU Streamz Advanced Magnetic bands

"Meet Arrow. Arrow is a rescued HorseWorld pony with a history of Laminitis and Metabolic Syndrome. He is 16-years-old. He has a 'clicky' left hip which stems from when his Laminitis was bad and he had to lean back on his hind legs to relieve the pain in his forefeet. He sees a physiotherapist every so often when his hip starts clicking. Since wearing his EQU StreamZ bands, he seems to go longer before the clicking starts and he needs to see the physiotherapist less often. He also seems to be more willing to move around as well as being able to get up from the ground after having a roll around. If he could he would say thank you to StreamZ!" 

EQU Streamz feedback from horseworld trust on arrow the horse who has previous issues around laminitis and arthritis

"Barney is getting on in years and is usually quite stiff and came to us with intermittent lameness and arthritic joint problems. Since wearing the StreamZ bands he is certainly moving more freely and even had a canter round with the youngsters earlier today! He has been sound since wearing them so we think they are helping with his long-term leg problems. He took part in a ridden class in a local show a couple of weeks ago. This time last year, that wouldn’t have been possible so we are certain the bands are having a positive effect on him."

EQU Streamz advanced magnetic band feedback from horseworld trust on barney the horse who has had intermittent lameness issues

"Beaufort (or Dave as he is affectionately called by the yard staff) is 20 yrs old and arrived here in poor condition. Having worked long and hard for the Avon & Somerset Police he is now semi-retired. At 17.2 hands he is a gentle giant and is working with our training team passing on his calm and knowledgeable ways to our inexperienced horses. Beaufort is the third horse we have re-homed from the local police force who have been very supportive of our charity over the years.

On arrival he has a long history of lameness and poor muscle tone. This has improved greatly but in December 2016 he developed a very nasty foot abscess in his left hind and then split the sole of his right hind not long after! This meant that he had to spend a lot of time in from the field, not good news for such a big older horse as they need plenty of movement to keep them from stiffening up. Luckily we have a barn area but even with the extra room Dave became very stiff and started getting fluid retention along the underside of his stomach and sheath.

The EQU StreamZ bands were put on his front legs and within two days he was like a different horse. So much more free in his movement and the swelling had greatly reduced."

EQU Streamz feedback from horseworld trust on beaufort the horse who had intermittent lameness issues and stiffness and swelling before trying his equ streamz advanced magnetic horse bands

"Louis is one of our own teams ponies who you donated a pair of bands to a couple of years back. He has been wearing his magnetic bands from StreamZ a lot and they certainly seem to help his arthritic discomfort and overall mobility. He is now 20 years old and has good days and bad with his arthritis. Some days he can be quite grumpy with it and may occasionally need painkillers but those days are certainly fewer and further between since wearing his bands. He seems happier to move around and after wearing them so long he'll be staying in them from now on!"

Louis equ streamz feedback on the advanced magnetic bands helping his arthritic joints and mobility

"Saul is 23 yrs old and arrived at HorseWorld after being involved in a RTA.Saul works on the Discovery project and is a ridden horse, he started wearing the bands as he is an older chap he tends to get a bit stiff. He wears the bands twenty-four hours a day and they have had a good result aiding Sauls general stiffness, he has been wearing the bands for around a year and they have continued to help keep him supple."

EQU Streamz feedback on Saul using his advanced magnetic bands to aid his stiffness and arthritic joints

"Twiglet has suffered with stiff joints and arthritis since arriving with us. Since we gave him a set of his own EQU Streamz bands he’s doing really well in his movement and seems visibly more energetic in his movements. His legs don’t seem to be clicking as much either!" 

Twiglet feedback on equ streamz and how they have helped his stiffness and arthritis

"Gunner was extremely emaciated when he arrived at HorseWorld. He is now fully rehabilitated and works on our Discovery Courses with children. He is still quite young but does get a bit of arthritis in the cold wet weather. This may be due to the malnutrition he suffered at an early age. Due to the very wet ground around autumn, a lot of the Discovery horses are stabled and Gunner has been wearing the bands whenever he is in the stable to help stop him seizing up. He doesn’t seem to have had any problems with arthritis this year and the physiotherapist that treats him has given him a clean bill of health for light ridden work with the children."

Gunner feedback from horseworld trust on how equ streamz advanced magnetic bands have helped him

“Beebie is a 19 year old Shire-cross mare. She has had quite a few foals in her life and acts like a grandmother to any foals born here at HorseWorld. Recently, a mare rescued at the end of last year, gave birth to a little filly foal right in the middle of Storm Doris! As she is young and (we think) this is her first foal, she didn’t really know what to do and so Beebie decided naturally to act as nanny to the foal and showed Mum exactly what to do.

As Beebie is a Shire-cross, she has reached an age where she gets very stiff if she is brought in. She came to HorseWorld Trust recovering  from arthroscopy and flushing of her rear left stifle, due to evidence of o.c.d and effusions in the joint, she was administered one dose of danilon a day. We put the Streamz bands on her and she has not stiffened up at all since, which is a first, so the bands have certainly benefitted her and she no longer needs the painkillers.”

Beebie at horseworld trust feedback using equ streamz to aid her arthritis and stiffness

Information provided by the team at HorseWorld Trust and collated by Amy Williams.
Follow and DONATE to HorseWorld today at


Matt Campbell

Matt is a leading expert in the magnetic therapy industry and writes articles for StreamZ Global and various other online alternative health publications.

Streamz global advanced magnetic therapy bands for humans showing several customers wearing the you streamz silicone wristband
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